With the news that “Patch Tuesday” is soon to become a thing of the past, it’s as good a time as any to think about the ways that Windows programs can simplify your life. One of the best? Windows PowerShell.  PowerShell is an elite task automation and configuration management program that combines a command-line shell and an associated scripting language to save you time and help you breeze through repetitive tasks automatically. If you want to learn how to get the most out of PowerShell, the 2022 Windows PowerShell Certification Bundle might help. This six-course bundle includes training from IT professional Vijay Saini (4.3/5 instructor rating). Vijay works for a leading cloud servicer provider and uses PowerShell automation every day, especially in cloud technologies. In these courses, he’ll introduce you not only to PowerShell but to other essential Windows System Administrator technologies like Windows Event Viewer, Windows Task Scheduler, Windows Task Manager, and more to give you a comprehensive skill set. Then, you’ll start your deep dive into PowerShell. You’ll begin with PowerShell scripting, learn basic command lines, and discover ways to automate your daily tasks. As you understand the underlying concepts of PowerShell, you’ll also start to integrate PowerShell concepts with non-Microsoft products before delving into more advanced topics. You’ll learn how to automate Windows administration with PowerShell, perform GUI automation with Python, and get familiar with Active Directory (AD) management. By the end of the courses, you’ll have a strong understanding of PowerShell and discover ways to ease burdens in your day-to-day system administration. You might just find your way into a promotion. Learn how much easier Windows PowerShell can make your life and discover just how much you can do with it. Right now, the 2022 Windows PowerShell Certification Bundle is on sale for just $19.99.