Speaking at its Tech Day event in San Jose on Wednesday, the company said it aims to enhance the performance of its chips to a level at which they can carry out human tasks on par with how people can. Samsung System LSI Business, the company’s business unit that designs processors, was focusing on improving the performance of its essential IPs like neural processing unit, modem, CPU, GPU and others with its partners, the South Korean tech giant said. During the event, Samsung System LSI Business head Yong-in Park said that we live in an “age that requires machines to learn and think as people do” and the importance of logic chips, or processors, were ever-growing. The South Korean tech giant offered approximately 900 products in the sector including SoC, image sensors, modems, display driver ICs, power management ICs and security chips, Park said. The company will work to converge these wide arrays of chips to offer a total solution for its customers, the executive added. Samsung System LSI was working on further improving its high-resolution image sensors to capture images equal to what the human eye does and will also launch sensors that can act as all five human senses, the tech giant said. At the event, the logic chip unit shared its new offerings such as 5G Exynos Modem 5300 and Exynos Auto V920. A new display driver IC for quantum dot (QD) OLED panels, manufactured by subsidiary Samsung Display, was also shared during the event. A day earlier, the company’s contract chip production unit, Samsung Foundry, had claimed that it will commercialize 1.4-nanometer (nm) chips by 2027. Samsung began mass production of 3nm chips earlier this year, becoming the first company in the industry to do so. The tech giant also shared goals for its memory business unit at the event. Its DRAM chips will adopt more high-k materials, Samsung said, while it plans to develop NAND with over 1,000 layers in the future. While already the largest supplier of memory chips in the mobile sector, the company was also aiming to become the top vendor in the automotive sector by 2025, Samsung said. The company said it was also aiming to open a research center dedicated to memory chips called Samsung Memory Research Center in South Korea before the year’s end. The Center will have hubs abroad in collaboration with Red Hat and Google Cloud in the US and other countries, Samsung added. Samsung is the world’s largest memory chipmaker, a title it had held for over two decades, and the second largest contract chip producer. However, in designing processors, it has relied heavily on its smartphones business unit and display panel business unit to purchase its chips so far.